Friday, August 31, 2012

Well, the first week has come to a close

I got some great advice from an article on another blog. It was vert relevant and helped keep me refocus when I got off track.

My only kink at the moment is trying to figure out how to handle 32 kindergartners at a time, on my own. The hardest part is finding a way to get them to be patient while I get them set up. I have the computers logged in to the program they are going to use before they get to class, thanks to the help from my wonderful fourth grades and a system called lanschool. Being that it is the first week they haven't gotten the hang of assigned seats, which is to help me remember who is who, or to work quietly while in the computer lab. I have a seating chart pre-made but keeping littles occupied while I get everyone seated where they are suppose to be is proving a challenge. I know that over time they will become accustomed to the flow and remember where they sit but trying to figure out how to get through the next couple weeks is my own personal challenge.

On another note I love the school and the staff that chose me. Everyone is great, yes, I know that sounds disillusioned, but they really are. Everyone has their idiosyncrasies but  each person has been helpful and welcoming. Even though the school is at the end of a major over haul with a few issues still hanging out there the principal and Vice principal have both at different times taken the time out of their overly busy schedules to just peek in and see if I need anything.

I am very glad that I took on the challenge of teaching Technology.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Second Day of school

Time has moved so quickly since I took on the Technology position. I suppose that it didn't help when I helped with a graduation party for a friend on Saturday and a Birthday party for my son on Sunday on top of trying to pull a classroom together and write lesson plans. I have not posted pictures yet because I have not finished the classroom to what I had planned. With glitches and a learning curve to adapt to cosmetics have not been at the top of my list, I will get there though. The cabinets full of supplies and old lesson's have come in handy as a great guide for planning.

So, I think that there is a special place in heaven for Kindergarten teachers. I spend forty five minutes a day with a group of 32. Yesterday, the first day of school, I had two breakdown in tears. Today was better but I had little ones who tried to run in the classroom instead. Kinder requires so much repetition.

For first day activities for my fourth and fifth graders I borrowed from a colleague. Students use a computer program to create a bubble map. The center bubble is the students name. Each outside bubble is a letter of their name, two words describing the student starting with that letter, and a picture to represent one of the words. The bubble maps were printed out and hung on the project wall.
For Second and third graders students used the same program but instead of creating bubble maps students were able to use the workspace as they liked as long as they name was present with two words to represent them from each letter, and of course a picture. First and second graders used a program called kidpix to practice click, drag, and use of a mouse. The kidpix program allows students to create pictures.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 2

I feel a little more in control today (haha fantasy!) I got all the printer cartridges (new and old) put away and organized. All the extra computer supplies are also now in some type of organized fashion. Although, this now leaves me with 5 cabinets of old programs, past lesson plans, and lord only knows what else stacked along the wall on the floor.

Tomorrow's mission: 1. organize the stacks o'stuff   2. Get stuff on my walls.

I went to our local teacher store today (with my own kids in tow) and let them pick my theme(s). One room will be technology themed with robots and the other will be a jungle theme (mostly monkeys). I think these will be more fun than the white walls.

I will post pictures of before and after when the room is completed. I better hurry, school starts Monday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A New Classroom

Well, after all the frustration I have finally gotten a classroom. It wasn't something I would have thought about doing but it is now my new adventure. I have inherited an old computer lab, a new computer lab, years and years worth of e-mails, lesson plans, and computer programs. Being that school starts on Monday, I am feeling overwhelmed. The school was a refurbish school this year so it is getting a make over which is great, the drawback is that with the new computer lab is not even set up yet and nothing (smart boards, whiteboards, and activity boards,) is back on the walls in the old computer lab it is a little difficult to determine where things should be hung.   I would like to have a fun technology classroom instead of the same old room with white walls and a few posters but I am not sure how to get there. I know the obvious direction would be a computer theme but what fun is that when you are surrounded by computer items. I did see a fun idea using old discs, maybe I will borrow the idea and use cd's instead (and go for a space theme, hey that's an idea!) With two computer labs to decorate I essentially could go with two different themes. Decision, decision, I need to make some, soon.