Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A New Classroom

Well, after all the frustration I have finally gotten a classroom. It wasn't something I would have thought about doing but it is now my new adventure. I have inherited an old computer lab, a new computer lab, years and years worth of e-mails, lesson plans, and computer programs. Being that school starts on Monday, I am feeling overwhelmed. The school was a refurbish school this year so it is getting a make over which is great, the drawback is that with the new computer lab is not even set up yet and nothing (smart boards, whiteboards, and activity boards,) is back on the walls in the old computer lab it is a little difficult to determine where things should be hung.   I would like to have a fun technology classroom instead of the same old room with white walls and a few posters but I am not sure how to get there. I know the obvious direction would be a computer theme but what fun is that when you are surrounded by computer items. I did see a fun idea using old discs, maybe I will borrow the idea and use cd's instead (and go for a space theme, hey that's an idea!) With two computer labs to decorate I essentially could go with two different themes. Decision, decision, I need to make some, soon.

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