Tuesday, October 23, 2012

After school tutoring

Okay, so it is honesty time, I like what I am doing right now. Working in the computer lab and getting to know all the kids but I miss those days or those moments with the awhah's. I volunteered to be a part of my schools after school program that gives students that extra leg up and offers homework help. I have one student in particular that I also see during the week for computer class, at first he just seemed to be a handful but today both he and I had an awha moment. Since I am not with my students for more than forty five minutes once a week it is harder for me to get to know them as individuals and how they learn best. Working with this student today I learned that he is as much a visual learner as you can get. He was having a hard time understanding how to divide and multiply. So, instead of going around and around again with a paper and pencil explanation I took out some manipulatives, showed him how to group the manipulatives, and how to use the groupings to get an answer. We then walked through it together, and then I let him start working on his own. The student became more and more confident with each math problem and I learned something new about the "difficult" student. It is moments like these, no matter how few and far between, that remind of why I wanted to become a teacher.

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