Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

I have been so busy with school, school projects, family, and life that I haven't posted in awhile. As if taking on a class three days before school started wasn't enough, starting new protocols such as class blogs (I will let you know how those are going in a few weeks), and pen pals haven't been challenging enough, I am also finishing up my masters application and taking two three credit classes through the University of San Diego so that I can get my Computer literacy endorsement on my license.   I think there is room for a few more things. I came across  a completely wonderful website called  If I mentioned it my last blog, I love it sooooo much, I am mentioning it again. Such a collaborative environment and great ideas!!! After I spend sometime in my classroom tomorrow I will post updated pictures.

Student monkeys have come a long well and are now hanging in the classroom, and on the "trees." The students love them, and I am glad they are excited about them.

I will be sending off our first Adopt-a-soldier letters tomorrow. It is true; kids do say the darndest things. Reading through some of the letters just made me smile. I hope that the military men and woman get as big a kick out of them as I did.

Things are coming a long. I wasn't sure how I would feel about teaching a technology class but I honestly like it.

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