Friday, September 7, 2012

Typing ideas

Sooo . . . we have this great typing program at the school called Type to Learn but the kids get bored with it pretty quickly. I have been brain storming ideas to continue there typing practice but in a way that will hopefully be more fun. So, my tentative plan will be to find military pen pals for the students, I was also thinking pen pals from around the world (find students in other countries in the same grades). This way students will get to practice typing skills, writing skills, and social studies skills. When I finally came up with the pen pal idea boy did the ideas start flooding in! Students can use the internet to research information about the countries their pen pals are in, we can discuss proper websites for research, safe internet practices, students can type reports, create notebook and powerpoint presentations and sooo much more! The great thing is not only will all of these assignments cover technology but they will also cover social studies, and language arts. The more I think about it the more excited I get.

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